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Investment costs for connections:

  • Average cost of water connection per 1 running meter - approx. 1000 CZK

  • Average cost of sewer connection per 1 linear meter - approx. 1500 CZK

  • Average cost of electrical connection per 1 linear meter - approx. 1000 CZK

Example: availability of connections up to 100 running metres = cost of water and sewerage connections is approximately CZK 250 000. Electricity connection remains the same. Electricity connection is used only as a BACKUP SOURCE.

Project costs:
The average cost of a car wash project is around 150 000 CZK. The time required for the project is about 6 - 12 months.

Building permits:
Currently it is not uncommon to wait 2 - 3 months for a building permit, but sometimes much longer. Official fees are about 30 000 CZK.

Construction work:

In current prices for construction work, the price of a concrete floor under a car wash is about 2 500 - 3 000 CZK /1 m2.
Built-up area for a double box = approx. 80 m2 = 200 000 - 240 000 CZK
Construction of internal sewage distribution and collection tanks + tank for dirt and oil stain removal for waste water for one box is approx. 70 000 CZK = double box 140 000 CZK

We do not count the construction costs for paved areas such as roads, parking, parking for the cleaning zone and others, which must be done anyway when building on the green land.

Total direct costs:

Connections 250 000 CZK
Project + building permit 180 000 CZK
Construction work - flooring - self-help 240 000 CZK
Sewerage - internal wiring 140 000 CZK
TOTAL COST (double box) 810 000 CZK

Economics | Water | Energy | Ahead of competitors | Producing electricity




Hvozdec 58, 373 72 Lišov


Mobile car wash as such as well as its parts are protected by worldwide patents